1. Cakes must NEVER be placed on a car seat during transportation. They must be placed on a secure flat surface such as a foot well or the boot of the car on top of non-slip matting preferably.
2. Fondant covered Cakes are NOT to be refrigerated. Ideally an optimal room temperature of approx. 20-23 degrees Celsius or below is required.
3. Cakes are NEVER to be left in direct sunlight. Pinks and Purples are extremely susceptible to fading and will literally fade before your eyes if left in bright daylight.
4. Ganached or Drip Cakes should be refrigerated in warmer weather. Chocolate becomes very soft and decorations such as Chocolate shards will melt in hot car or a warm venue. Angie’s Cake Emporium will not be held responsible in the event of an incident. Please make sure your car air conditioning in on when collecting your cake and cakes are not placed in direct sunlight during transportation.
5. Angie’s Cake Emporium will not be held responsible for any damage to the cakes, cupcakes or desserts supplied and displayed after set up is complete, where set up has been asked for and provided. The Customer’s venue is responsible for providing an appropriate and stable setting and environment for the cakes, cupcakes or desserts supplied as they can sometimes be heavy and require a sturdy table and an optimal room temperature of approx. 21-23 degrees.
6. Angie’s Cake Emporium guarantees the quality of the edible cakes, cupcakes or desserts supplied for a period of three (3) days past pick up or delivery, provided the cakes, cupcakes or desserts supplied are refrigerated once cut. Past this date, and if not refrigerated, Angie’s Cake Emporium cannot guarantee the quality of cakes, cupcakes or desserts supplied since they are food items that will deteriorate past this point in time.
7. Left over cake can be cut and frozen for up to 6 months. If you wish to do this make sure you cut and freeze the cake as soon as possible after cutting into it.
8. Cutting the cake: Please be sure to use a large knife which has been heated in boiling water when cutting your cake. This will ensure that you get lovely clean slices of cake. Mud cakes and chocolate are extremely sticky so make sure to wipe the blade in between slices and keep the blade hot. Cut the cake in a grid like pattern (see Image BELOW)
Coffee serves are 1 inch x 1 inch by the height of the cake.
Dessert serves are 1 inch x 2 inches by the height of the cake.
9. In warm weather cakes may develop pockets of air within them. This happens as the layers of cake soften and compact the buttercream or ganache which also softens and pushes outwards. With no way of escaping, the trapped air will form a bubble. This is unavoidable. If you see this occurring immediately prick the bubble with a fine needle and allow the air to escape. Then gently press the fondant or ganache back against the cake. This will resolve the problem of trapped air. In extreme heat it’s a far safer option to keep the boxed cake in the fridge.
cutting your cake
Coffee serves - 1 inch x 1 inch by height of cake.
Dessert serves - 1 inch x 2 inch by height of cake.